- Is this person really in need of a spouse?
- Is this person really intending to marry and stay faithful to his partner?
- Is the reason that he/she didn't find the right match acceptable in this case?
How good will it do if these statistics are available for viewing if you are searching the web for your prospective life partner?
Does the profile as is give the real person in real life?
Does chatting or talking on the phone or some messenger will show the real nature of a person?
Since the real person is hiding behind the technology which can show you laugh when u are not by just a smiley (:)) and funny when you are not with just some key combinations?
So coming to the statistic, how long have this person been prowling on this site in search for a prospective bride?
How many did he meet and probably broke their heart?
What is this person in real?
How many matrimonial sites has he got membership with?
Does any can know? Does any care?
From my experiences with people and friends, i think if a guy is not able to decide on his bride within meeting some 10-20 prospective girls, then he is considered to be a guy who is not sure of what he wants?
If the guy is not able to reach to a decision after meeting some 50-100 girls, then he should take a break and do some retrospection into his life about his needs and his future plans and then start over again. also might need to consider help from his friends and relatives who can make him understand what he should look for or what he should be looking for in himself.
So form all the points i can think of, the very first question to be asked while contacting a prospective bride/groom is to ask how logs he is into this business. If in less than 6 months he is not able to find a prospective match from an online portal, then definitely he should quit the portal and look with local agents.
Since all these statistics are hidden in a cloud, there will be more break ups, and raise in divorce cases and cheating cases. More often than not, this can be a social problem than being just statistics. Of all the offenses that the politics raise and try to pinch the life out of a common man with their culture and religious slogans, they might also consider this route to get fame.
So basically, with a premium rate to its customers, all matrimonial sites can generate a statistics for each member and give it to the prospective members with an additional fee. This will help future of both the matrimonial portal as well as the members of the site, which can also earn much reliable site for finding mates in the long run.