BMTC harassing passenger in Volvo
Tuesday, January 14, 2014
BMTC - Troubling Passengers.
BMTC harassing passenger in Volvo
Wednesday, December 11, 2013
BMTC - Public service
To provide affordable, reliable, safe, punctual and efficient public transport
to all sections of society in Bangalore Metropolis.
To offer a commuter friendly, responsive and courteous service to all its
To keep the interest of the commuters as paramount in the corporation’s
scheme of things.
Ensure full implementation of special measures like seat reservations to
physically challenged, senior citizens and ladies in its buses.
To provide latest information regarding its services to the general public
through an efficient passenger information system.
To ensure clean and hygienic conditions of the buses.
To ensure exhibiting of simple and clear destination boards on all buses.
To continue with passenger friendly initiatives like subsidized student passes,
senior citizen passes, modestly priced Day and Monthly passes.
To contribute its might in furthering social causes like eradication of polio,
AIDS, Cencer etc.,
Reviewing and realigning of its services to suit the changing demand for
public transport.
Keep striving for constant improvement of services and work towards
achieving maximum public fulfillment.
Monday, September 19, 2011
Times or the Ugly Portal
Times have changed and my reach to get the hard news paper form India is very less as I travel outside India. This has also changed the way i look for updates in media and news sites, especially ToI, The Hindhu, CNN IBN...etc.. I do check the news almost every hour some days as I expect there is something happening in India every minute. As I sift through the news sites, I do see a considerable shift of the ToI towards more sexist and more motivated to the wrong side of the reader than to the knowledgeable side. This said, I am not portraying the biased view, but what I feel from years or reading the same media.
Of late ToI's readership has increased stunningly and more so due to the fact that its more glamour than news. Most of the people reading ToI as disappointed that it reports highly irrelevant news and updates, but can't help reading them.
So today I think I can post some pictures of the Times media sites as I see it.
Essentially, ToI is good at controlling the readers views and comments and not their own way of portraying themselves as a free media for people to express themselves.
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Statistics and Further Analysis
Monday, June 7, 2010
Statistics and your Partners
- Is this person really in need of a spouse?
- Is this person really intending to marry and stay faithful to his partner?
- Is the reason that he/she didn't find the right match acceptable in this case?
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Road Sense, Non Sense
To all... Here is a quick look at the traffic caos on the hyderabad roads. First there are people who dont care about traffic sense, then there are cops who dont even care about their respect in public. Added to that there are designed number plates all over the roads. Sometimes I even got confused whether My car has the right one or not. But then checked the rules and seems like atleast me and my friends are fine and strictly follow atleast this aspect of the traffic sense. Thanks to cops though who dont really care about how the number plates look like. if its a big car, then they have no right to challan it, and if its a small car anyway they dont care.. :) Some of the number plate types in my collection are below. No offence though to any.
This one is one of the first when i started my collection. Then there were many. Kind of readable but still against the rules.
One of the good ones collected is below.
This ine already had a devil's evil digits on it. but stylish and unattractive.
Have more on the go. Similar ones are seen all over the
The colectors edition number plate is the one below. Really amazing and you really need skill to read it.. :)
Anyway.... there are other silly, stupid but funny things you can capture on hyderabad roads. Check some below.
The second bike is not even registered yet. already the mirrors are showing their use. Not only guy, but even girls have their honda Activa or any scooty mirrors turned like this. I hope they have some idea about what they have done.
Its a punishable offense to drive without a mirror. But this doesn't come under the law...haha... :)
Another fun time is in the heavy traffic times. if traffic is low, everyone is a good driver. ones the traffic is heavy, people start to show their true colors. Here is one such situation.
Its a four lane road, and a'T' junction. The traffic was blocked on the left approach lane to the junction. The vehicles coming form behind just took the oncoming lane fomr the junction to enter the junction on to mumbai road. Now these are the people who have really nice cars and well educated as most of them are going to HiTech city, software hub for work. Either they are morons or software engineers.
So Driving in Hyderabad is FUN...!!!!
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
War of the Worlds...!!!
Every social structure has this anti-social elements in them. Like the social structure of any state in India for that mater. Does Hinduism or any religion in India support violence against women?. If it does, then what is their commitment in today's world?
If they have the right to be violent, because they are against the youth culture of the modern times, then my advice to them, - "Grow up!!!"
Law as its written our country says any common man cannot take law into his hands even if he is witness to any unlawful acts. His duty is to inform the police or the authorities who can take action against the unlawful. Now the question is, is the law and order of the state so blunt and lost its once manly men on duty for the moral policing. Who ever attacked the pubs, and dance bars in Mangalore and Bangalore, why are they still free in the society. Why do comman man allow such things to happen? Is people of Karnataka so lethargic and lack the attitude to stand up against all these happenings thresting their very own lives? Are the parents sure of getting their children back one day when thigs will go wrong in a public place?. Will some hero from the common raise up to do somethings unlawful according to books, but take these saffron brigade into task.??
Police and law have lost their manliness, and no real men exist in these forces now. So its the common men and women who can stand against this now.. Its terrorism in the Hindu sense. even though they say its for the societies good, that's what the Taliban, mujaheddin doing.. good for their society...!!.. killing other societies for the good of their own.
Now its the chance of people to decide what they really want from the law makers. I suggest, if a violence happens, the right thing to do is to remove all top officials from that locality, including politicians and commissioners and police and replace them to already violent areas. Let them live their life the way they want.
Its time for the people to stand for what they want. Oppose all wrong things they are forced into their lives. Ignore all ill facted news and get their new lives form their homes. Accept every society without racist outlook and respect every society and religions they respect and love theirs. I hope some day people start thinking with their brains and not with others who claim to be the leaders. Ya.. the leaders to the disaster in a society though...
Its just one question that every one need to ask themselves before doing anything in life.
"Is it worth it?..!!"
I hope for a better Bangalore, a better Mangalore, better Mysore, Mandya, and for all a better Karnataka, Kerala, Andra, Bihar, Maharastra, Delhi..etc etc...
This is a new clip of the assaulting SriRam Sena members. They beat up girls and boys who were in the lounge bar on Saturday on that unfortunate weekend.
Video: Times of India
Also a clip to show the Sri Ram sena chief Pramod Mutalik justifying his actions on the attack.
Video: Time of India
He says that the parents are worried about their girls going outside.. they don't know where they are and what they are doing when they go out. He claims there were drug abuse and indecent behavior of girls and boys in the lounge.
Now let the parents decide whether they want their children be moral policed by this saffron brigadiers or by themselves. If any parents come out and say that they are happy with this action, then i bow to them and their wisdom they have gained over the years. But if they don't support why not come out and show their anger on this so called self proclaimed dictator of the morality of people in this area?
He says the action should not be called as Talibanization and its a small incident. If he calls this a small incident and worried about other parents girls, i suggest he look into his own family and clean it up. where his son is going or his daughter is going over the weekends and what they are doing?
protesting against this is his right and there is no question of mom's sisters or daughters coming in here he says...
Here is the clip iof one of the girls who was targetted on that fateful evening. Pramod Mutalik says he was protecting the culture and the parents anxiety about their children. And here is the first hand recount of the incident by one of the victims.
Video: Time of India
Pramod Mutalik says the good guys had to take the bad guys to task by punishing them by beating and molesting them. But if this is what the good guys do, then "Hail" our country for this. Our country has come so far. Hail Sri Ram for this who is told to have some respect toward his women and towards his pupils. Now I doubt all the tales of ramayan and all mytholigy of india as a whole. Hystory and the prest will talk louder than the mythologies now.
Shame Sri Ram, Shame India!!!!
So republic India.. is it still republic and independent??
I doubt.
Take care all Parents and children. Theres more to see if none wants to react to this incident.
Thursday, July 31, 2008
The Terror Trail…
Recently we were awakened by the rude shock of terrorism and how vulnerable the common man is to the anti social groups in our country. This also was proof enough for everyone to understand how proactive and careless our security measures are. How helpless our police or security personals are and so on. But then as more and more came out of the blasts and bombs scare still going on in
But if someone want to cause the damage, why would he just plant an explosive and stay watching the news about how they were defused? He could just explode it anytime he wants, once he knows that his explosives are being found.?
Why would he wait for it to be on news?
Why would he give a message by now exploding the unit and why would he plant some 20 non explosives to send a message?
Why would he plant a bomb on top of a tree?
Why on a ad hoarding which is atleast 20 feet above the gournd? Is the so called terrorist a moron? Is he trying to kill the birds?
Has the act of terrorism come down to this level?
Or the very question that whether the packets unearthed were really explosives?
I doubt it. It’s just the administration getting the people to panic mode and to get diversions I believe. Theoretically those packets were not planted by smoothly placing it in those places. They were thrown in to those places by some one standing below. And that’s what I believe. If this is not true, get one unit of the same contents and show it exploding so that I can believe that those were real explosives.
But still the real question remains?
Who would benefit from all this drama and panic?
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Time is a luxuary…
Recently I was in B’lore for a weekend and so decided to meet some friends of mine on Sunday evening. All was fine as long as I kept myself away from the heart of the city. But evening I ended up in residency road corner house. Now that’s where all things began. As usual it rained for about 15 mins a li’l heavily though but then I had to face the reality of B’lore. My car was stuck in a traffic jam that took some 30 mins to clear.
Question here is:
Why the traffic is a chaos when it rains?
What happens to the people and their senses when it rains there?
Can’t they just stay home or in office when it rains?
And a lot more…….
So then I started driving back to the majestic area by making a huge circle from Residency to
But realized one thing. Its no the number of vehicles or the infrastructure that is lacking in the city. It’s the peoples common sense that is missing in the city which ones had boasted of some of the best known intellectuals in the country. Anyway past is past and future is bleak.
Now its not far from this experience in
One thing I have to face in this city is the fact that the city administration is not friendly to those who want to walk. So if you want to walk be ready for the consequences. I have seen very less roads with pavements and pedestrian ways here. And the shops doors open to the road here. And if some sick driver loses control, he will definitely be inside the shop, hotel or even your home if you are lucky. The foot paths I have seens are on the roads inside the jubilee hills area and other residential areas where people hardly walk and where people walk has none of the so called foot paths. Example the Madhapur road, Hi-tech city road, you name it. And these are the roads where thousands of people walk and most of them engineers who are feeding these cities with their fortune and pride.
Just have to understand that if you are an engineer, if you are gone, there is someone to replace you immediately on the road, in the office or anywhere else. But what about home?
So now I have a question. As a software engineer, I guess we spend most of our hard earned money and time on these cities. I am no John F. Kennady who once said “ask not what your country can do for you - ask what you can do for your country. “
I do expect something in return. And this is not in terms of money or any other unethical means. I am just asking our ‘reformers ‘(so called) to give me some time to spend for myself and my family. Most of the engineers in Bangalore I believe leave for work in the morning like at 7.00AM or 7.30AM and there are some who leave at 6.00AM to catch the company bus to the office. They start their work at 8.00AM or latest by 9.00AM and try to leave by 4.30PM to 6.00PM time frame. But as the situation is, they reach their home by 6.30PM ideally and have most of the times seen sitting in the office buses even after 8.30PM.
Now every day a engineer is wasting say 4-5hrs on travel from office to home and back. So in a week the poor fellow is wasting a full day doing nothing but dreaming about being at home and spend sometime with his kids, wife, parents..etc.., but unfortunately he is on the road still dreaming. In a month he has already wasted a week travelling for no reason and in a year he has wasted more than a quarter of a year travelling within the city. Atleast he could afford a foreign vacation of a week if he had worked for this time and took a weeks off for vacation. That’s extreme but it’s real. Most of them will earn a lakh easily in 3 months and it doesn’t take much to visit places like
Added to that is the fuel costs of driving the bike, car or a bus for more than the time it was required to. Say a 30kms distance can be covered in 1hr 30mins in normal conditions through the city and if it takes more than this, then its waste of time, fuel and a sign of the economy reaching the dooms day by wasting the resources. But none cares. Only thing the administration cares is about their privileges of free fuel, free medical aid, free living, ultimately being a burden on the common tax payer who just finished filing all his taxes for the reason that he was threatened by these blood sucking, useful for nothing slugs. Every time we see the telephone bills in lakhs, electricity bills in thousands, fuel charges in lakhs of these administrators, who are supposedly elected to make some reforms and save all these costs. Anyway, everything that is said about change and handling the change is so far not true. Democracy is a huge failure in this sense, in all sense. Its non sense in
But anyway, Hail democracy….
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Talking of Percentages
Percentage – the most amazing comparison tool we have. Of late this has been seen in use in every representation of numbers.
Recently everybody not so inclined to percentage calculations were forced to understand this thru the economic slow down all over the world or simply put inflation. Every other country whether developed or not so developed, are gripped by the fact called inflation. This is the truth of global economy. You cannot ignore it even if u want to. Result of this is obviously public unrest and may end up in war. Example of this extreme is
Any way, the subject I wanted to talk about percentages here are the ones which our so called leaders are bother about. The reservations , or the so called Quota. Recently the politics won over the judiciary and management of the institutions by making sure that 26% of the seats are reserved to the OBCs. I am not against it and not in favor of it either. I do not want to talk about the origin of this so called OBCs and the reservations they are enjoying under the constitution of
The constitution of
Our constitution was in fact written to eliminate the caste system, more relevantly to bring the scheduled castes to a socially equal stance. A nice article can be found in the link (
But then instead of reducing the number belonging to this divide, the system kept on increasing the boundaries of this constitutional fact and was exploited to an extent that it can never be corrected.
SC(15%as per GOI) **
ST(7.5%as per GOI)**
OBC(27%as per GOI**
Now coming to the percentages, we all now know that the OBCs were not really included in the reservations provided by the constitution of
Anyway, coming to the percentage math of this so called reservations, 27% is reserved for the OBCs as per the recent decisions by the Govt and the judiciary in acceptance with the caste politicians of our country. But will this percentage method be applied in every sense of the math is what is interesting.
Coming to the involved percentages, 27% is the reserved pie to the OBCs in educational institutions of
Now as we know the cut off for these categories to be eligible for the competitive institutions are less than that required by a general category candidate. So if we can relate the reservation percentage to the eligibility criterion, then the person belonging to the reserver category should have a minimum percentage of x%, which is the Max scorred percentage – 50% mark. (Assuming 50% of the MAX is the reservation eligibility cut off).
Again, the best part of the reservations as in the current political stand point if a general category person has scorred 90% in a competitive exam, then the person in reservations category needs to score only 50% in the same exam to be eligible for whatever the general category person is eligible for. The fun part is what is the general category people all score only 50% or less..??? Reservations is obsolete…!!!!